Car insurance claims made mostly by doctors

A study has shown that doctors and other professionals in the medical sector make the most car insurance claims.

GPs filed more insurance claims in the last three years than any other professions, according to research published by Gocompare, with the medical sector featuring prominently in the top ten. Surprisingly, even those whose job involves a lot of transportation made fewer claims than these medical professionals.

The results showed that 28% of GPs had made a car insurance claim, double the national average, which was 14%. For hospital consultants, 27% made a claim, placing them in second place. They were followed closely by drug addiction counsellors and health visitors, with 26% and 25% respectively.

At the other end of the scale, footballers, painters, plasterers and car dealers were amongst the professions which made the fewest number of claims, with just 4 per cent of car dealers making a claim in the past three years.

These findings are attributed to stress levels generally being higher for those working in the medical profession than other sectors. A Cardiff University professor, Andrew Smith said: “Stress can have a dramatic effect on both a person’s cognitive functions and their overall health. Often, when people experience a particularly stressful day they find that they become especially clumsy or absent minded as they struggle to concentrate on tasks. The medical profession is typically regarded as highly stressful.”

A Gocompare car insurance spokesman agreed with Smith’s view, saying: “While it’s ironic that GPs risk landing themselves a trip to the hospital by having their mind on their patients while driving, this study really highlights the importance of being in the right state of mind when behind the wheel.”

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