Five found guilty over largest car insurance fraud in UK

Five people have been found guilty in the UK’s largest car insurance fraud investigation, with two others not guilty. Between 2009 and 2011, the group made six claims, which were worth £144,000.

The huge scam has resulted in 81 total convictions so far, after many cars were deliberately damaged in order to make fraudulent claims.

In total, the group has cost the insurance industry approximately £760,000, with 28 separate claims and 57 cars being involved in the scam.

The group were reportedly caught out creating a deliberate crash, on their own CCTV, ironically.

“Crash for cash scams, such as Operation Dino, have a real impact on society, putting the lives of innocent people at risk and costing honest policy holders almost £350m each year,” said Ben Fletcher of the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB).

“These investigations and convictions send a powerful message to the public that if you are committing insurance fraud then the risk of being caught and prosecuted is very real. The IFB works alongside insurers and police forces up and down the country to detect fraudsters and bring them to justice,” he continued.

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