Brits should check if home insurance covers DIY disasters

Brits are causing £158 worth of damage each year due to their botched DIY disasters.

This means such home improvement attempts are costing £3 billion every year. The lion’s share (85 per cent) of Brits are not sure whether or not they would be covered under their home insurance, according to research from the Co-operative Insurance.

With nearly nine out of ten people admitting they have attempted some form of DIY themselves, more than half (54 per cent) have conceded it’s only because they would prefer not to pay for a professional. Over one in ten (11 per cent) do not feel comfortable with a stranger in their house.

More than a third of Brits have injured themselves during such home improvement work, with 32 per cent needing to receive medical treatment as a result.

Head of home insurance Anthony Lewis said: “We would recommend that people double check what their home insurance covers. Accidental Damage insurance will give you peace of mind should you spill paint on the carpet or damage your home.”

The research revealed the most commonly avoided DIY jobs were replacing fallen roof tiles, plumbing and installing a shower.

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