Car modifications can impact insurance premiums

Car insurance premiums could be impacted if people choose to modify their vehicle.

This is according to new research from, which found tinkering with a motor – such as fitting alloy wheels – can lead to cover costs rocketing.

It was shown that premiums would rise by 30 per cent if a 30-year-old male added these accessories to his tyres, while the introduction of a car phone would lead to a 50 per cent increase.

Moreover, men who decide to ‘pimp up’ their car with a complete body kit can expect to shell out an additional 66 per cent on their insurance premium as a consequence.

Pete Harrison, car insurance expert at the price comparison website, noted vehicle modifications are often seen as a way for people to express themselves, adding drivers can make their motors more personalised by giving it a makeover.

However, Mr Harrison warned even small updates can affect insurance premiums, stating: “It pays to contact your insurer before you go ahead and make any modifications, as you will need to decide whether the extra cost to cover the changes is worth paying.”

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