Telematics technology could play a role in reducing car insurance costs for young motorists, it has been noted.
Graeme Trudgill, head of corporate affairs at the British Insurance Brokers’ Association – which represents the interests of brokers, intermediaries and customers – observed a new black box initiative records the behaviour of drivers on the road.
The box takes note of mileage and routes and users can therefore enjoy a discount on their premiums by agreeing to certain terms, including not driving at times when the most accidents happen – such as late at night during weekends.
Mr Trudgill explained the behaviour-based system of the device keeps track of a person’s style behind the wheel, such as how fast they drive, the sharpness of their accelerating and whether or not they tend to break suddenly.
He observed those who have habits that can be construed as dangerous may see their car insurance fees escalate as a result, adding: “But if you’re obviously just a simple driver and a conscientious driver you can save a significant amount on your premium.”