Car insurance claims likely to increase this time of year

Car insurance claims are likely to increase at this time of year, new findings have suggested.

According to new data from the Co-operative Insurance, today (Monday December 17th) is the worst day of the year for crashes on the UK’s roads.

The group – which is part of the Co-operative Banking Group – has named the date Danger Day, with an analysis of information from four straight years revealing claims relating to bumps and collisions tend to increase markedly on this day.

Indeed, it was demonstrated that car crashes are typically twice as likely to occur on December 17th compared to other times of year.

The figures showed more road accidents take place in the week before Christmas than any other seven-day period, resulting in claims of this sort increasing by 53 per cent during this time.

Grant Mitchell, head of motor insurance at the Co-operative, noted: “This is down to a combination of the pre-Christmas rush when everyone is going to the supermarket or to buy last-minute gifts, along with the fact that people also feel tired.”

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