Travel insurance customers should take care of belongings

Travel insurance customers need to take extra care of their belongings when heading overseas, new research has shown.

According to the Sainsbury’s Travel Money survey – which was carried out by Vision Critical – seven per cent of Brits who have ventured abroad in the last two years have been a victim of thieves or conmen, with the average value of stolen possessions amounting to £414.

It was shown that 59 per cent of these individuals had loose money taken from them, while 23 per cent had their purse or wallet snatched and 14 per cent were left to deal with a stolen credit or debit card.

Jo Nola of Sainsbury’s Travel Money noted: “We go on holiday to relax and spend time with our family and friends but unfortunately … for some Brits this time can be marred by falling victim to local crime.”

Ms Nola recommended people avoid carrying round large sums of cash about their person while out and about, while a prepaid currency card might come in handy for those hoping to withdraw money from ATMs overseas.

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