Car insurer finds motorists are not checking their vehicles

Around 21 per cent of motorists are failing to make monthly maintenance check on their cars and younger drivers are more unconcerned about checking their vehicles than older motorists, according to a recent survey conducted by Sainsburys Car Insurance .

Tyres were found to be the least-checked item on a vehicle. Of the 1,610 people polled for the survey, only 38 per cent of motorists checked the tread on their tyres each month. A third of people who claimed never to make regular checks said they didn’t think they were necessary.

In total, 16 per cent of men and 26 per cent of women admitted to not checking their cars on a monthly basis.

Ben Tyte, head of Sainsburys Car Insurance, said: “It’s simple, straightforward and requires just a few minutes to carry out basic checks, and doing so will give you peace of mind that your car is in a good condition and safe to be on the road.”

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