Government launches campaign to promote home contents insurance

The Home Office is set to launch a campaign to remind homeowners of the dangers of falling prey to burglars and to promote home insurance .

The government has announced that it will embark on an eight-week marketing drive to publicise how households can avoid becoming victims of domestic burglaries. Spread across television, radio and the internet, the scheme will highlight the importance of not leaving valuables such as car keys, bank statements and laptops on display.

Home Office minister Alan Campbell, who launched the initiative, said: “We are determined to keep crime falling through a combination of tough action against offenders and support for the most vulnerable communities. Simple things like locking your doors and windows when you’re out, not leaving valuables on display or just making sure your bag isn’t hanging open on the bus will keep the criminals out.”

The campaign will also see burglary prevention messages and posters appearing at bus stops, train stations, shopping centres and on internet retail websites.

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