An investigation by the BBC alleges to have uncovered a major cash-for-crash insurance scam in the Midlands.
Undercover reporters claim that a Wolverhampton-based outfit, run by Zeeshan Ahmad, fake accidents by smashing up cars in a yard. In return for a fee, the journalists agreed to admit liability for an “accident” and handed over their vehicle to be used in a scam in which another driver would submit an injury claim plus costs.
Mr Ahmad then allegedly instructed the BBC journalists on what to say to their insurers, giving them the exact time of the “accident”. The BBC was actually working with fraud experts at RSA, who received a claim from the supposed driver of the other vehicle for whiplash injuries for driver and passenger, plus hire car costs.
Chairman of the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB), John Beadle, explained: “Wrapped up in the claim will be bodily injury, normally whiplash, plus storage of the vehicle, removal of the vehicle from the scene. When you take all these together the cost of this kind of a claim could well be around £20,000.”