Students offered contents insurance from Sainsburys

A typical undergraduate has an average of £3,548 worth of belongings in their student accommodation, according to new research conducted by Sainsburys home insurance .

The high figure placed on the value of their belongings is a reflection on the possessions of the average student today and includes high-tech items such as laptops, computers, iPods, DVD players, digital cameras, TVs and mobile phones . However they also own other expensive items including jewellery, sports equipment, course textbooks and bicycles, as well as everyday items such as books, CDs, toasters and kettles .

Even though a student house with four students provides over £14,000 worth of items for any opportunist burglar, Sainsbury’s home insurance revealed that only in three (34 per cent) undergraduate students claims not to have their belongings covered by a home insurance policy . A further 10 per cent do not know whether they have cover or not. This means almost £573 million worth of uninsured belongings are lying around in student accommodation in the UK.

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