Women feel uncomfortable going to the garage says car insurer

A large number of women are not confident about taking their car to a garage which only employs men, reveals a survey by Diamond, the women-only insurance company.

The survey found that 52 per cent of women questioned find the experience of visiting a garage intimidating and 31 per cent said that they would rather have their car checked by women. Younger females are most intimidated by taking their car in for a service, with 57 per cent of 19 to 25-year-olds lacking confidence . However in the over 55 age group, only 37 per cent were found to be apprehensive when visiting a garage.

Sian Lewis, managing director of Diamond, said: “Today, women are more knowledgeable about cars and can do basic servicing themselves, with 70 per cent knowing how to check water, oil and tyre pressure on their vehicle .”

Recently, moneysupermarket.com found that women on average pay 71 per cent less than men for their car insurance .

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