More than introduces all-inclusive insurance policy

More Than has unveiled a new insurance product that it says will “revolutionise” how people pay for their different policies.

Customers can get car, building, contents and travel policies with the More Than Premier online plan. Policyholders with home insurance will be given an individual personal claims handler to process the claim from start to finish.

Client will be able to contact the handler directly with any queries about their case and how it is developing. With all the insurance programmes held collectively, clients only have one annual renewal date and monthly payment to keep on top of.

Mark Christer, managing director with the finance firm, explained that customer control is a key feature of the policy, so they can see easily what they have cover for and what they no longer need.

Once a customer has signed up to the package online, they are free to adapt it to suit their needs by adding new policies, increasing or reducing cover, or adding additional drivers to their cars .

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