Home insurer survey finds Brits fear burglary

The results of a survey conducted by Halifax Home Insurance have revealed that burglary is the biggest fear keeping Brits awake at night.

According to the bank’s Peace of Mind Index, 64 per cent of people in Britain worry about being burgled. Brits are also anxious about ID fraud, which worries 54 per cent of people and the theft of personal belongings outside the home, which affects 47 per cent of Brits.

Martyn Foulds, senior claims manager at Halifax Home Insurance, said: “This research has presented interesting findings, especially when broken down by age and region.” The research by Halifax found that over half of Scottish people fear domestic fire, while Londoners worry more about ID fraud than most, despite being aware that burglary is widespread in the capital.

Recent research by Abbey has revealed that there will probably be a rise in the number of domestic burglaries because of the recession .

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