Top Gears car insurance advice about fronting may cause difficulties

In the last episode of Top Gear (BBC1 Sunday evening), the team alluded to ‘fronting’ as a way to keep young driver car insurance costs down, however this is illegal.

Fronting on car insurance occurs when parents insure their child’s car in their name as the main driver and then add the child as another driver, but the main driver is in fact the child. This is done in order to keep the child’s car insurance costs down but it is illegal.

Hayley Parsons, chief executive of, said: “An insurance policy is a contract based on trust and you are obliged to tell the insurer of anything that could influence their decision in offering cover, the age and experience of a driver are both important facts.”

She added that as well as being illegal, fronting is a false economy and that insurers are wise to the practice and many now set the price according to the age of the youngest driver on the policy.

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