Association of British Insurers clarifies insurance concerns over swine flu

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) is attempting to calm fears about the impact of swine flu on insurance policies and has stated that the illness is covered by most travel insurance agreements.

Following increasing fears about the impact of a flu pandemic over the summer when many Britons usually take their holidays, the association has confirmed that “swine flu is treated no differently from any other illness by travel insurers “.

The ABI has confirmed that if people contract swine flu while on holiday, the cost of medical treatment abroad will be covered by their travel insurance, while people diagnosed before they are due to travel abroad will also be covered for the cost of cancellation. This will include any immediate family members such as spouse, parents and children and some policies will cover other relatives as well.

Travel insurance policies will cover the cost of accommodation as well as rearranged flights for people who are ill and placed in quarantine abroad and have to stay beyond their planned departure date.

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