Pet insurance deal from Sainsbury’s finance

Pet owners wishing to insure their cats and dogs are being offered a new deal by Sainsburys Finance .

The offer of three months of free Sainsbury’s Pet Insurance is available until 23rd February 2009. The free months will apply to new customers on renewal of their policy in year two. An additional benefit for customers is a guarantee not to increase the premium in the second year of the policy.

Customers buying online will receive a discount of 15 per cent and for those who are insuring more than one pet, a further discount of five per cent is available.

Neal Devine, Sainsbury’s Pet Insurance Manager, said: “Many people will have received cats and dogs as Christmas presents and it’s essential that they recognise the importance of pet insurance. Vet fees have risen sharply in recent years, but by taking advantage of offers such as ours customers can find the necessary cover at an affordable price.”

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