The heavy snowfall which has affected much of the country during the past few days has not seen the insurance claims centre of Saga Insurance inundated with claims, as was expected.
The insurer credits the lack of claims to the increased experience of its customers, all of whom are over 50, which means they astute enough to know how to handle the cold weather and when to stay indoors.
Roger Ramsden, chief executive of Saga Insurance, said that most car insurers are expecting a sharp increase in the number of claims calls they receive because of the snow . He said: “However we have seen no such increase in claims and this is because the over-50’s tend to use their experience in bad weather and either stay at home or adjust their driving according to the conditions, making them safer than younger drivers .”
Recently, Norwich Union released data which revealed that the wintery weather is likely to make January the busiest month of the year for car insurance claims.