Car insurer goes green

A major environmental campaign at esure has helped the company turn green, saving more than 2 million sheets of paper and more than doubling its recycling in only one year.

esure is now one of the first UK car insurers to source all the energy that it uses from renewable sources such as wind, tide and solar power .

The company’s campaign, which began in September 2007, was run in partnership with Global Action Plan (GAP) a major environmental charity and hoped to change habits among staff at all three of esure’s offices . A group of 40 employee volunteers measured the environmental impact of persistent habits such as as ‘comfort printing’, leaving computer screens on and disposing of plastic cups after single drinks of water . They then persuaded their colleagues to change their wasteful behaviour.

A year later, after further analysis, an audit of esure’s green drive by GAP has shown cuts of 29% in paper usage, saving more than 2 million sheets of paper annually. This equates to an annual saving of 22 million litres of water, 179 trees and has reduced purchasing costs by £9,862.

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