Pet owners are being warned to ensure that medication in the home is stored away securely after reports of a large increase in pet poisonings .
The potentially fatal mishap is a growing problem across Britain and there has been a year-on-year increase of 34 per cent in reported cases to VetfoneTM, a 24-hour advice line available to M&S Pet Insurance customers. The operators at Vetfone are qualified veterinary nurses who can give pet owners immediate advice on a pet’s condition.
One of the main increases in poisonings involves nicotine-based products, including nicotine patches, chewing gum and inhalers . Signs of toxicity are dose-dependent and include tremors, weakness, depression and vomiting .
M&S Money Insurance Manager, Judith Roberts, said: “Anyone who suspects that their pet has swallowed household medication should first try and identify what’s been eaten, by recovering packaging such as blister packs or boxes and then seek immediate veterinary advice.