Eco-friendly car insurance scheme from More Than

MORE TH>N is pioneering an insurance scheme that will use Formula 1-style in-car telemetry to help UK motorists drive in a greener, more efficient and economical way.

The new service, called Green Wheels, will enable drivers to understand how their driving style can affect the environment by giving them access to information like their rate of acceleration, braking and the number of short journeys that they make. MORE TH>N is hoping this will change the way drivers behave and that it will lower the carbon footprint of the 31 million cars on Britain’s roads.

Dowshan Humzah, Product Director at MORE TH>N, commented: “Green Wheels is great news for anyone interested in taking more responsibility for their own carbon ‘tyre-print’. By helping motorists drive more efficiently the ‘Green Box’ can also help cut the cost of motoring which, with fuel prices rising, is top of many motorists’ agendas.”

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