Saga Pet Insurance claims that accident prone pets are responsible for 1 in 7 pet insurance claims. Vets often see cats and dogs whose injuries are caused by carelessness. The most common accidents for cats are body injuries and being involved in road traffic accidents . Dogs however tend to injure their feet and ligaments, which suggests that they are less agile than they seem.
Regional differences for cats and dogs were also apparent from the analysis. The clumsiest cats live in the Midlands, while dogs having the most mishaps are from the South East.
It may sound amusing, says Saga, but their research found that the 71 per cent of pet owners in the UK without pet insurance face potentially massive vets bills . “The average cost for treating a cat involved in a road traffic accident is £705 but the costs can be as much as £5000, and treating a dog that has ligament damage could be closer to £9000!,” said a spokesman for Saga pet insurance.