Modern travellers need to be fully insured

The backpackers of today carry over one billion pounds worth of valuables on their travels .

According to research from AA Travel Insurance, the average rucksack and its contents is now worth around £450 due to an increase in access to the latest technology for communication and for people
wanting to keep a record of their travels.

A mobile phone was classed as essential for three quarters (73%) of the backpackers questioned and 72% said they wouldn’t leave home without a digital camera .

However, despite carrying such expensive items in their rucksacks, many backpackers still choose to travel on a shoestring budget staying in low security accommodation and opting for cheaper forms transport, often leaving themselves vulnerable to theft.

Christian Young, head of AA Travel Insurance, says: “It’s understandable that modern travellers want to be able to stay in touch and be able to record memories of the people and places they see. However, with all these technological treasures in their bags it has never been more important for backpackers to ensure they are fully insured so that they can explore with peace of mind.”

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