Toddlers clock up more air miles than over 60s

A new study claims that children under the age of 11 have travelled just as far in their lifetimes as people who are over 60-years-old.

The research, conducted by, found that 60 per of children currently under the age of three have already been on at least one holiday overseas and 30 per cent have travelled abroad on at least three occasions. Babies under six months old are also clocking up the air miles, with 27 per cent having been overseas at least four times and 13 per cent at least six times.

Steve Grainger, head of said: “Now that government rules about term time holidays are so much stricter, families with school age children are restricted to travelling during the more expensive school holiday period.” He added that new parents, not able to benefit from cheap term-time deals are making the most of extended maternity leave .

The study found a sharp contrast to the travelling habits of the over 60’s, of whom a third were said to never have ventured abroad.

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