Students urged to take out home contents insurance

Students are suffering the consequences of inflation and leaving themselves open to burglary, according to Newcastle Building Society and Abbey .

Newcastle has warned that around a fifth of students who go to university do not have home contents insurance and that over a third of students leave the house without locking their windows . Also, one fifth have gone out and forgotten to lock the front door .

The research found that of those 18 to 24-year-olds surveyed, 14 per cent made an insurance claim and the most common reason was found to be burglary. Wendy Lee, of Newcastle Building Society, is urging students to make sure that they have proper home contents cover .

Meanwhile, Abbey have calculated that this year’s students will have to spend £127.40 more than last year for their groceries . Steve Shore of Abbey said inflation was “eating into student spending power at an incredible rate”.

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