Calls made for better education of young car insurance customers

Young car insurance customers returning from a night out by car should be the subject of a new government advertising campaign, it has been claimed.

Justin Jacobs, motor manager at the Association of British Insurers, has made the suggestion at a road safety event arranged by motoring charity Brake.

During the speech, Mr Jacobs argued that the government needed to respond to figures indicating that 76 young male drivers die or are seriously injured after taking to the roads on Fridays and Saturdays between 23:00 and 01:00 BST.

And better education is necessary to help reduce this figure, he contended.

“Too often a night on the town ends in tragedy,” he said.

“We need a government information campaign to make young drivers aware of the dangers of driving at night.”

Earlier this week, Rob Gifford, director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety warned that the New Drivers Act, which was designed to improve road safety, may be having the opposite effect.

Mr Gifford speculated that many of the young motor insurance customers disqualified from driving because of the act may be continuing to drive in spite of the fact they no longer have a licence.

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