Young drivers should choose a sensible vehicle to save themselves money on car insurance, an expert has advised.
Male drivers are more likely to pay higher car insurance premiums, especially if they are young as people tend to become safer drivers with age, spokesperson for Admiral James Carnduff has said.
“You do get some people who will pass their test and they want the fastest car they can get. Well, unfortunately, that’s going to end up costing them a lot of money,” he remarked.
He described drivers who buy fast cars as their “own worst enemies”, especially if they modify the motor and then get a conviction or points on their license. This can all add up to high car insurance premiums, he adds.
Mr Carnduff encourages young drivers to get as much experience as possible, helping them to become safer drivers and eventually lowering the cost of their car insurance.
Figures from the Association of British Insurers found the total number of road deaths fell in 2006, although the number of young drivers being killed in road traffic accidents is rising.