Car insurance product to tackle driver safety

A new car insurance product has been launched that aims to tackle the problem of driver safety in fleets.

Aimed at fleet managers, the Norwich Union car insurance policy provides telematic equipment which relays data to the insurer via satellite.

This will allow for full duty of care reports as well as providing driver information, such as driver behaviour, journey times, mileage covered and claims information.

The car insurance provider suggests that this will allow fleet managers to find new ways of improving risk management and keeping vehicles and drivers safe.

Mark Haynes, director of trading at Norwich Union, comments: “The duty of care reports will give the fleet operator a window on…previously ‘unknown’ information, leading to a meaningful conversation with their drivers where specific instances have been pinpointed based on information provided.”

Norwich Union also states that it provides risk management advice in addition to its car insurance policies, to identify and minimise potential driver, vehicle and journey problems.

Drivers who do not carry car insurance were recently urged to take out policies in order to reduce the overall rate of premiums.

Research from Sainsbury’s Bank states that drivers without car insurance add 6.5 per cent to the overall cost of premiums.

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