A leading insurance company has warned Britons to consider the cost of various breeds of dogs when choosing a furry friend.
Churchill Insurance published a report revealing the annual cost of a dog, which reveals that Brits’ affinity for canine companions cost then £145 billion.
In its lifetime, an average dog costs an estimated £22,000, which the insurance company points out is the same as the average annual salary and more than a Mercedes Benz C Class.
According to the insurance company, nine in ten dog owners are completely in the dark about how much their pet pooch costs them.
The insurance company’s research also revealed that the Great Dane is the breed that is most expensive when vet visits and the possibility of illnesses are taken into account.
This type of canine could cost its owners some £32,810 in its life – almost £15,000 more than what a Jack Russell usually costs, the insurance company says.
“There are significant differences between the costs of different dog breeds and it is important people take this into account as one of the factors when choosing their new pet,” says Mike Ketteringham, the head of Churchill Pet Insurance.