Car insurance premiums for women have fallen by 8.2 per cent in the last 12 months, according to new research.
This compares with a drop of 1.7 per cent for men in the same period, according to figures.
The average price for a car insurance premium is now £654 for women, down from £712 last year, while for men the change was much smaller, with premiums dropping by £16.
Women in their 40s saw the biggest change in their car insurance, with premiums tumbling by 15 per cent on average.
Peter Gerrard, senior researcher at, said: “Overall, insurance premiums have dropped almost five per cent, but the cost for women has fallen much further than for men over the past year.
“This is due to the growing appeal of specialist competitors such as Sheilas’ Wheels and Diamond, as well as insurers increasingly reflecting women’s safer driving profile into their pricing.”
Sheila’s Wheels, which features the well-known TV advertising campaign set in Australia, promises to cut car insurance premiums for careful women drivers.