Mini-breakers overspending on travel insurance, reveals research

Many holidaymakers going on short trips away are spending too much on their travel insurance, suggests new research.

The number of people taking mini-breaks is soaring, with brief sojourns away outnumbering longer holidays, according to research by Churchill Travel Insurance .

However, many travel insurance providers haven’t adapted to consumers’ changing holiday requirements, resulting in some holidaymakers spending more than they need on insurance policies .

This is due to many travel insurance providers only selling insurance in blocks of days, with rigidly defined lengths of holiday. For example a traveller going away for three days may often have to get a travel insurance policy that covers one to nine days, rather than a insurance policy calculated on a daily basis.

Mike Ketteringham from Churchill Travel Insurance advises holidaymakers to doublecheck their travel insurance to see that they are getting the best deal possible for their short holiday.

“Holiday-makers should check they are only buying travel insurance cover for the number of days they need and they aren’t buying a block policy without realising,” he said.

Frequent holidaymakers who often find themselves jetting away for the weekend could also consider the option of taking out a multi-trip annual travel insurance policy.

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