Having a medical condition such as Crohn’s disease can make it difficult to obtain a life insurance policy. Insurance companies may either decline your application or quote you a high premium without even ascertaining the severity of your condition.
Fortunately, there are some insurers who specialise in life insurance for people who are considered ‘high risk’ because of any pre-existing medical conditions they may have. Our partners understand Crohn’s disease from an impaired life insurance underwriting standpoint; know which insurers to work with based your condition and how to get you the most competitive rates.
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How Crohns disease can affect life insurance
Crohn's disease is a condition that causes inflammation of the wall of the gut. When the disease flares up, the inflammation can cause various symptoms including diarrhoea, abdominal pain, ulcers, vomiting, arthritis, skin rashes and fatigue. Symptoms vary depending on the part of the gut affected. The more symptoms you experience and the higher the frequency of your flare-ups, the more serious your condition is likely to be.
For example:
Severe Crohn's disease is generally characterised as regular flare-ups that cause frequent diarrhoea, bleeding and considerable weight loss, often requiring hospital care, use of steroids and even surgical treatment.
Moderate Crohn's disease is usually described as occasional flare-ups that cause mild abdominal pain, mild bleeding and mild diarrhoea. Steroids may be used to treat the condition but only for short period of time, and there is no need for surgery.
Mild Crohn's disease can be described as a single flare-up that causes few or no symptoms.
The cost of your impaired life insurance policy will largely depend on the severity of your Crohn's and your age (both current age and diagnosis age). The more severe your condition and the lower your age when diagnosed with Crohn's, the higher your insurance premium will be.
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